Health Coverage

Most people need medical care of some sort throughout their lives. Even while enjoying a healthy, happy lifestyle, we still need to focus on regular preventive care to maintain a state of good health and better quality of life. Our health coverage options cover the costs to protect you from the often very high expenses associated with healthcare. With coverage options that apply to every facet of your life, our health coverage helps you access preventive care while preparing you for the possibility of sudden or major health events. We will look at all your options to find the best coverage for you and your family.

Medical Insurance

Accidents and illnesses can happen to anyone at any time. Make sure you're covered.

Dental Insurance

Dental coverage of some kind is critical help you ensure the health of your teeth and gums.

Vision Insurance

Don't let unexpected events jeopardize your home with missed mortgage payments.

Gap Coverage

Don't let unexpected events jeopardize your home with missed mortgage payments.

Helping Northwest Seniors since 1985


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